Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hillsong Healing Seminar


I just got back from the second and last night of Hillsong's Healing Seminar! It was amazing, but way too short! I wish it could have been two weeks instead of two nights! And definitely longer than two and a half hours each night! But, I enjoyed the time that I did have!

The first night was with Dr. Robi Sonderegger who basically spoke over the scientific backing of the verse that tells us to "renew our spirit by the transformation of our mind". And he went into all of this scientific detail and everything about how that makes literal sense and it totally real!!! Oh, it was SO good!

Then tonight a man named Sy Rogers spoke about the steps of healing emotionally and sexually and he told his own personal story of redemption! He was hilarious and very very helpful!! I absolutely LOVE Hillsong and it's always hard for me to leave :(
I'm really looking into/praying about maybe attending Hillsong college but that's just a possibility! You can definitely keep me in your prayers if you want! :)

This week we're learning about "The Fear of the Lord" and in all honesty it is kinda hard for me to receive. Like, it's hard for me to reconcile everything about God like his love versus power/ fear. I don't know. I mean, God has kind of started to reveal the answers/ask me more questions (weird how he does that...) BUT the actual process of finding those answers is a little bit tiring and kind of weary-ing. (is that a word?)

Anyways, it's almost 11:30 here and I've got a big day tomorrow!! Please continue to pray for me!! I love and miss you all! But I'm really loving it here! :)

G'Night, and sleep tight, don't let the kangaroos bite! :)


  1. I'm sorry you and your boyfriend broke up. And as far as being afraid you are going to marry the wrong guy, God has a way of working these things out. Make Him the love of your life and everything else will fall into place.

  2. Wow, just finished the healing seminar at Hillsong (in the city) - Amazing. Glad you got the opportunity to go and now the fun bit starts letting God work on what He wants to. Should be fun... Glad you are writing your blog its great to see how God is working in your life. May God bless you as yoy discover Him in your time in Oz.
